I had this picture in my mind since a little more than a year( !! yes- >1yr). There are quirky moments where I get ideas out of the blue- to be able to put the scene in prespective... you can simply imagine me getting zapped by lightning on a warm sunny day(ridiculously impossible but ...). A particular corner of my mind is littered with some such pictures, pieces of rhyming lines and other ideas. I hadnt taken the courage to draw them cos I thought I could never draw them well.
Last Friday, I wasnt feeling well, so I decided to come home early from work and rest. I had planned on watchin an Italian movie in the evening with a couple of my friends but the lousy tummy ache foiled my plans. All disappointed and angry at how this ache screwed my evening and my attempts at taking a nap... I felt the urge to draw... and that toooo- this pic thats been lying around in the dusty attic of my intellectual abode. The time had arrived... it was time to bring it out to the material realm. (Thats a lil tooo much of language ... but let me show off a little bit here :D )
May be it was the stomach ache triggering some thing in my head... instead of tellin me to run for a tablet that would relieve me off this pain(I avoid tablets as much as possible), it was telling me to DRAW?!!! - this definitly indicates a wiring problem in my head.
My sketching skills have a tiny problem- I can do a pretty good job of everything but the face. I always have found drawing the face reaaaal difficult. But that evening , something swept over me and pushed me to just do it. And guess what? It turned out not too bad. I liked it. What do you think?

independence day
nice sketch, good one !
What do I think? Does it really matter? If you are shaking your head indicating a big yes, then I think it looks good. There is something wrongly wired in the head though, instead of running for the tablet you ran for the pencil!
i love it! and u knw what..i like the hand the most....i have always found it very difficult to draw life like limbs...
i've been very busy..and havent even done blog-hopping(my fav hobby) in a long time....should get back to it....
italian movie....hmmm...berry berry interesting...i have never watched movies in european langs...
hmmm nice pic...wat i can infer from it, is it's bout unsatisfied n unfaithful man...hu tries to have other women but can't hold it coz they r like water droplets n the one hu loves him...he can see her but can't feel her...m i rite???
neway...me already dead so life is good after death:P...n earth looks the same even after 600 yrs since i died:P
Heyy!! thats a lovely sketch!! nice to see you post after long! great imagination! :)
Oh no mam even I am looking out for a person I can go to. Lets look together. In case you find a person to go to before I do, be kind enough to let me know :)).
Regarding my previous post, oh that is what most people think that it is a compliment but it is not necessarily true ;-)
I like this one immesly..Says or speaks a lot....The hands are very accurate..Your sig is cool, wht a cool place to place it...BTW are you selling this piece of art??
wow.. i am givingt th edeep look into the hand sketch you did it amasing. perfect. i could never succed in giving this hand sketch always i fail
hey neets.. hey. dont get carreid away on my poem.. haha ha actuallyone of my friend lovers got into a trouble. they were loving for long time and took courage to say to home.
parents of the guy ( differnt caste ) of the gal tried al their best to object the marriage and the latest they used is horoscope - it is an inspiration and as usual i potrayed of an inspiration as if in my life
This looks really good! I can't draw worth a damn.
Glad you are back.
nice thinking:)...i can't think so deep...ur imagination is really appreciable
Excellent! Loved it. The hand talks so much.
What this drawing represents to me? The droplets are our desires in lieu of appreciating what we are or have already. Thanks for coming by after all these months. It is always good to hear from you.
My first time here. Came over from Sach's blog! Wow!! I am fascinated by people who can draw, precisely coz its something that i can only dream about!!
Great sketch, indeed!
I cant figure out how I missed your blog when I last visited this site. Liked the drawing. Felt that the lady found a sincere and strong support where she could relieve all her pressures, nourish herself and stand up with added courage, confidence and self esteem.Has she been in the lookout of this hand for more than a year?
Each time my mind traverses along the path of those very fine lines in your drawing, I feel my conclusion about the idea conveyed has been changing.... my mind experiences the
n-Dimensions that can never be put in words.
May God bless you & all the best!
Thats a decent piece work of art....how come I missed this post. I agree, sketching the face is indeed tough for me as well.
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