Whats pissing me off is what all the news channels have to say about Salman Khan(In my opinion, he is one of the smartest lookin heros we have in Bollywood.)- sounds as though he has been unjustly locked up.
With the recent news coverage on Salman, it was difficult to mistake it for the Indian Laughter Challenge. Why? Salman Khan gets away for running over a human being but gets jailed for shooting down an animal(an endangered specie)! I know life is life- be it man's/animal's but the legal systems around the world does draw a clear line of distinction between both. Living in a time where we have got to see innumerable people slip thru the hands of justice just because they have the weird smelling printed paper in their wallets. I was beginning to feel proud of the legal system when it took this bold step of booking Salman Khan. True that the legal system does try to act too much of a hero the moment a reel hero is on the other side of the law, but still I hoped that he would spend sometime in jail. Celebrities should be punished cos they are far more responsible for their actions as what they do sets an example to people who look up to them. I secretly wanted him to pay up for runnin over the street bum thru this sentence. But yet again influence and money has the final say. Wait and watch, the next thing you know, Abu Salem will be out- completely innocent or cos of failure in gathering concrete evidences against him or simply the 'poor' guy was framed.
U should listen to the compassion in the voices of the news readers and the reporters, "Aap ne theeeen din aur chaaaar raat guzari jail mein. Aap ko kaisa laga?"(you were in jail for threeee days and fooour nights! how did it feel?). Yeah right- it aches to watch a well manicured guy thru bars, what about people who have been waiting for more than decades living in a jail, with the benefit of not having to wear the uniform just cos they are waiting for their day at court that would deciede whether they have to wear the uniform (convict) or live outside a free person (innocent),branded a criminal thanxs to the time spent in jail. Salman was facing the music for somethin he had done in 1999/8. Yet again, this is an example of how slothful is the functioning of our legal system. With this kind of time lapse- people change, situations change, memory changes... what good is that for any investigation, for Pete sake?!!!!
"theen din ke liye Salman ko roti aur dal khani padi, jisme pathar thhe!" (For three days salman had to eat (what the other inmates have to eat)- roti and dal with lil gravel) Oh! how sad- somebody should have ordered him a lasagne! The media isnt still, making the right point there- be it a super star or a real criminal, food is a basic need just as cleanliness. This shows that conditions inside in the jail is absolutely inhumane- the legal system is responsible- they need to set that right. Its not sympathy for Salman you need here, its sympathy for those who might have to eat the same crap for a lifetime.
Dont read me wrong, I am not the kinds who would go out and call capital punishment a breach of human rights. A criminal is a criminal, he is in jail, isolated from society to pay the price for his doing, but that doesnt mean,they dont deserve any of the basic needs.
I dont know...I am in this mood... perhaps...I've been seein the same thing since morning- same scene, same news.
And to top it, all the violence thats been happenining in Bangalore in the name of the death of Dr.Rajkumar seems insane! Rajkumar died a natural death, what are the fans gonna get by destroying public property?! Fellow bangaloreans, do you think its really the fans who carry out these acts? I think its just anti-social elements who are just waiting for such occasions to come out and destroy anything thats not theirs- and how can cops put you behind bars for something that looks like the act of a mad crowd?!!! Sad is the way people find joy in destruction. Real sad.
To lighten up:
Well, I don't know the stories behind this post, but it sounds like there are a lot of interesting ideas behind it, like what is the purpose of being in prison. Is it only to punish, or also to offer education, and other means to be able to function better in society after being out of prison? And if it's to function better in society (so, rehabilitation), then why shouldn't celebrity criminals need to learn just as any other criminal?
lol...so i read ur mood:D...btw...bout ur blog...dont get pissed off...south indian cable operators suck like whores...i've enough xperience:P
Salman Khan gets away for running over a human being but gets jailed for shooting down an animal(an endangered specie
Remember you can bribe a human witness...but its not possible to bribe animals to lie in front of the jury....so he might walk out free for killing human beings.....but for killing endangered species...not possible...
humans can be reproduced...endangered speicies cant...its a crime of 10th degree
Law is law.. Atleast one aspect of the law works better. What salman is booked for in the chinkara case is the collective action of the bishnoi community.
Salman khan is an incoriggible human.. See how many cases are on him and still cases keep piling up all the time.
It would be good for him and for the world if he goes to jail for a year. He needs that solitude to work out his issues and transform himself. It would do him a world of good to contemplate in isolation and figure out whats wrong with his life..
He cant behave asif he is a 20 year old teen drunk on harmones when he is 40...!!!!
Its time he grew up and jail is the best place to grow up...
thing bout salman is...he like other celebrities,dusn keep his pvt life a secret...both his public n pvt life clash...basically he jus dusn care...i still think at 40,hez very immature.He dusn put up a show....one of the most genuine actors in the industry
too much of publicity to these stars....I think the media is now jobless or they have nothing better to offer for the public
oh ~! nothing wrong with me neets. i just love toshow the painful emotion with ease. thats it. i am aplayful guy with fun and merry but speak things of pain. pluto rules me more hence the dark side gets lighted in my words.
Well, the whole point being that Salman has always been a soft target for the media. He has done all this to himself!
All i could think about the bangalore scene is Madness and Chaos. Fools who found a way to expose their animalistic selves by attacking innocent people and their vehicles, settling gang scores prolly and all that.. its amazing how far people would go when given a chance :/ ... interestingly.. i dint know u were frm bangalore until now! haha nice way to lighten up with that cartoon! ;)
Happy Easter to you too. I lost track of you for a while.
Salman was booked because this happened in Rajasthan, where people still have regard for moral values. Had this happened in Bombay, (human or animal or whatever) nothing would have happened. This was really the first ever good legal decision in a long time, but still there are loopholes and he's out again...
As for the violence in Bangalore,
or for that matter Karnataka, I wasn't amused on this act of stupidity by the so-called 'fans'.
The chaos continues....
Nice blog here, thanks for coming to my blog
You are right. The Salman case is being handled like I don't know what! I dont even follow up on the news related to him naymore. Considering he was my fav in my younger days. rajkumar. Sad family. I heard that 5 people were killed. My parents did some Natak and managed to get away on their holiday. There is a mix of anti social elements and politicans here. They just want to proove tha tht the new Government is not capable of handling situations in all fairness. Added to it we have the frustrated lot of Kannadigas, I have nothing against anyone please but they are retaliating by smashing the other companies their jobs are taken by an influx of poeple from all over. They are all already hot and any thing to diffuse their anger is an opportunity. It is such a mess. One man said " Can anyone not die in India?". This was an answer to a statement made by one guy to his client in US stating that they would not be working the next day because of "riots etc". It is sso shameful!
Where art thou???
Its just not the salman case media in todays world is playin the wrong role accordin to me.Just a week ago when there was violence happenin about a mosque that was bought down there was a full 24hr coverage and sum kinda exclusive coverage and stuff but not 1 news channel did talk of the temples that were bought down.
So tats just an example..........
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