Monday, March 20, 2006

Any takers for Heaven?

Do you believe in heaven?

yes - do you think you'll get to go there? what do u believe its like?
no - why not?
then what about hell- is it there too?


Vämp!rë said...

yeah hell is thr...and tht's is the reason of my xistence...buhahahha...i m price of hell:)

vevck said...

I don't believe in neither of them, I like to live my life to the MAX here on Earth. If at all there is something like Heaven or Hell, then both of the worlds would be right here.

vevck said...

Neets, I finally have a post on the tag. Drop by in your free time:)

Vasu the terrible said...

Heaven and hell are something that never motivates me to do things. I believe in doing good cos, I want to free myself fast enough and get to the nest stage of spiritual growth.

Karma, Rna and Maya are real for me. heaven and hell is just an approximation at best.

someday I will write a book called "my own gyan"...



Hey...good question..Personally I dont believe in hell or heaven as we all do some thing good and something bad in our lifes...Why would we be given the privelage of living in a fancy place with all good people all around us when we have spent a lifetime living with the good and not so good....for me Hell n heaven are more expressions in day to day language and maybe to scare kids.....I dont know where I am going but it may be soothing to believe that you have a wonderful gate when you die so tht you may not feel all that bad, but we all do not want to die right? :)

Diana Sahu said...

wow!!interestin this to the world..this will create a lot of controversies

Silent Screamer said...
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AR said...

what does the pic remind you of ?
it's black sabbath (anti-christ), so it has got to be hell..
heaven is there around you, hell is what you don't want to see...

Prmod Bafna said...

Heyy! Loved the pic! I don't really beleive in the concept of heaven and hell cos it sucks and i beleive it to be baseless.. Life is all about what you do and what you make of it.. you don't even have to go anywhere for heaven or hell.. you make it so in your stay in this world ;) Cheers!

AR said...

arre woh gussa came and went on March 13th :)
waise professor neets, your teachings will be useful ;)

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Dont know about heaven and helll...but think it will be like the place where we are breathing right now..polluted and full of traffic jams :)

Neets said...

now for my comment on the topic.
I dont believe in heaven or hell... i dont think we go anywhere after we are done with living here. materialisation of heven and hell happens here on earth... you give and get, here.
Its a promise and a threat served inone plate by a unseen, unknown figure. I think its an amazing concept though- there will be atleast a few people out there who would be forced to uphold goodness in fear of being punished.*smug* At least.
I loved this pic,i like the expressions on their faces and the body lang. I DONT THINK THE PIC DEPICTS ANGLES ... ITS US- HUMANS... ANGELIC IN FORM, BUT POSSESS VICES BY CHOICE. Non of us are complete saints... we are half god half devil... and thats what makes it challenging... Who do you give in to... who do you permit to take over you.

Ammey Kesarkar said...

Hat you search? where you search?
This is heaven, this is Hell.
Open thy eyes, Or keep them
Dreams are heaven, Nightmare's hell
Heaven heals, Hell stabs...
Here we remain... like always!
This is heaven, This is hell!

Ammey Kesarkar

R said...

Yes. They're there. And I'm going to Heaven!

PS: Black Sabbath is one of my all time fave bands.

Anonymous said...

Doguless started shouting in a shrill voice : "Blashphemy!! By the command of Jesus christ, accept him into your heart and save yourself from the eternal hell of fire and brimestone. He is the true and only god. The rest of them are impersonations of satan. He has already died for your sins. Accept him and all your sins would be forgiven."

He went on to sing "Alelueahhh..." in a nasal and high pitched tone, even as he was entering my house.

I asked him to sit down. It was 7.15 and a sunday. Normally I would have been amused, but on a sunday morning I was worse than irritated. I then proceeded into my pooja (doubles up as my closet) room and closed the door. From inside summaning all my guttural powers I started chanting/shouting... Om Greem Greem... Shamundi, Shandali... gada gada gada gudu gudu gudu and all kinds of gibbrish...

I could hear rapid footsteps going down the stairs and as I walked out into my balcanoy to see what was happening I could see a suit clad Douglas (who was supposed to be sitting in the drawing room) sprinting like hell. Apparently the tantric mantras drove the fear of the devil right into his heart.

The next day as fate would have it I caught Douglas eating masala dosa in the neigbourhood darshini. He didnt noticed me as I approached him.

"Douglas", I caught his attention before continuing. "If I hear from anyone that you are knocking people's doors at 7.00 a.m. on sunday mouthing your bibblical bullshit? I am going to put a tantric voodooo curse on you so bad that you will run around this road like a madman.". To have the sinister effect I added, "I will do it douglas, dont test my patience (forefinger vigourously wagging and teeth clenched tightly)".

That was the last we saw of Douglas. The fear of devil aparently caught onto him and has disciplined him to decent behaviour. Douglas knows not to mess with me ever again. He probably thought I am preparing to perform a human sacrifice on him and eat his brains out...

true story folks... I still for my devlish pleasure walk into the Jehovah's witness prayer hall once in a while. I could see douglass angry and scared eyeing me and mumbling prayers to himself. It sure is a rib tickler..


Anonymous said...

sorry for some reason my pwd wont work.. maybe it is the work of the true and only god, to fight the devil in me and as a first step he is making my passwords useless... Oooh I am so hurt

Neets said...

heeee heeeee heee *clutchin stomach* ho hooho ho....
you made my stomach ache early in the morning !
these marketing drives get on my nerves too .... at my home though, the situation is slightly different... they come to give us a lecture on how we could guarantee a ticket to heaven and this is the only right way, and my mom or dad, ends up giving them a lecture back on what todays world needs is good humans irrespective of which path they follow and not a ticket to heaven, and how small they make jesus christ look, by this door to door sales. poor things would have thought that we would give them a ear lookin at the picture of infant jesus in our hall... lil would they know that their marketing drive would be cut short by a painful hearing from us :)))

Neets said...

every bit of your description is like watchin a movie... never seen you and never seen douglas-sahab... but i could see all that running about, the darshini scene... his constipated facial expressions. free movie watchin!

Vasu the terrible said...

well, I am a an observer and a narrator (who can paint verbal pictures).. It think its easy on me because I write the same way I speak.


kimananda said...

Hmmm...difficult question. My opinion is quite simply that I don't know, and I don't find it so interesting (except that it would be fun to know for sure). I would like to think that I'd live my life the same regardless of where I'm going after death.

But if I had to choose, I'd say that there's no heaven or hell. They're just comforts for us, or ways of setting societal boundaries, not reality.

Yoma said...

i sometimes like to believe that there is "nothing", neither heaven nor hell... i prefer believing that you go peacefully to sleep and dream. and that the morning simply doesn't come...
but then again, other times i believe in "something" but i just can't explain what it is... ;P

Yoma said...

in the end, i think i prefer living though, it's much more fun..

Rags said...

Thought u were blogging about black sabbath for a sec.

Those ladies must be doing pot - with their wings and all looks like it. Thats heaven isnt it?