I should have posted this earlier, but life at office and home didn’t let me… so here goes.
So my alter ego- a unrelenting trekker, has finally been unleashed thanks to the joint initiatives of my 3 hard-core adventurists friends. And no shrink in the world can stop me now ! *wicked laugh*
The dude who arranged the trek, Malu, calls me the night before the saturday we were supposed to leave and says,(NOTE: read the dots as seconds of silence)"Nita,..aa.. about the trek on Satureday.....*laughs* is on. we will come somewhere between 6:30 and 7". Needless to say, by the time 3/5 seconds after the 'Satureday' was up, i was mentally prepared to gracefully accept that this TOOOO wasnt gonna happen. This time around i had made up my mind to not get too excited about anything. The packing was over like a breeze. I usually have a habit since child hood to walk a lil faster and to overtake the group with whom i am walking. My mom warned me not to do that and that i should always be with the group no matter what. Now read further to laugh at my gift at 'walking fast'.
To tell you the truth, it was a good thing that I kept my emotions under check. I had prepared to face all possible scenarios that would stop me from going. So unless I and my brother were in the cab and the cab was visibly moving out of bangalore- i wasnt gonna let destiny fool me into thinkin that this was gonna happen.
I was my organised-best on Saturday, 11th Feb. 06 morning. Woke up at 5, had a good warm bath in the chill morning and changed into my 'departure clothes', checked everything one last time. Pestered my brother till he was dressed to leave. the threesome- Malhar,Raksha(Mrs.Malhar) and Vivek landed at our place at about 7-7:30. We soon bid our goodbyes to my parents and left for what would become my and my brother's first trek.
The travel was nice for a couple of reasons:
a)we travelled in an ambassdor after more than a decade. Nostalgia swept over –reminded us of school days when we would comeback to India to meet our cousins. The huge ambassdor was our 'vahan'. It brought back a lot of nice memories.
b)I got to see the south part of bangalore- which I had never seen or visited. It felt like steppin into another town. It seemed nothing like the cosmopolitan half i come from.
c)stopped over at a tiny restaurant where they served 2nd and 3rd generation customers with the same delicious idlies they served the previous generations with. Absolutely heavenly idlies- it makes you wish that the restauranter be blessed with eternal life so that he may be able to give the commin generations the same Yummy ....*sigh*
d)reached virajpet at lunch time. Set out to find a Ragavendra mess... the search turned out to be one big mess thanks to a couple of people who took us out on a tour of a different kind:(1)A generous cop tried to help us and we wanted to dole out some ungrateful swears in return.(2)Then there were some local college kids who would answer in hindi in response to our queries in kannada. As if that wasnt enough, they were eager in sending us on a merry-go-round ride. We filled our tanks else where, anyway.
Around 3/3:30pm we reached our final destination in Kakabe, the residence of Sagar Ganapathy , the generously hospitable host and the Commander and Chief of the Jungle Mount Trekking. New or old to adventure sports -he and his trusted right-hand, the affable- Dr.Topaz(urf Uncle Topaz) will do everything to turn you into a fun loving challenger.
The first thing on our agenda was to dive into the stream that’s just a stone-throw away from Sagar's home. We marched-on guided by two smart dogs to find a tiny lil dock snuggled in a veil of greens .It was a bright and sunny day but the water was sOoOoO IcY! Malu was the first to get into the water. The rest of us did some Kayaking- which I absolutely loved. My brother and I did pretty well together. We wondered it might have had something to do with our place of origin- Allepey/Allapuzha - the Venice of India, the place famous for its gigantic boats, boat races and back waters. Quirky way of thinking- but thats us! :) Shivering, Malu had enough of trying to warm the water, so he decided to join Viv and Raksha on their canoe. They had a great time documenting their zigzag travels thru the stream. After that, Raksha and I dived into the water to have some fun but getting out of it was more than torture. We were a lil short of turning into icicles! The only wise man who wasnt wet was- Vivek.
That night we were to join a team of 16 guys from AOL for a 12 km night trek on the second highest peak in Coorg - our (me,my brother) first ever trek. We were strictly told to carry only the necessary- meds, water, glucose. We were handed a torch each and given instruction to use it to the minimum. By the time I had reached Coorg I had already suffered 2 wheezing attacks. Now, at 7/7:30pm we are about to leave for our adventurous night trek, and I was having my 3rd attack. I prayed things wouldn’t get worse during the hike. It was a beautiful full moon night. We were geared to face the chill winds. Sagar and uncle Topaz shepherded us onto their Mahindra pickup- yes, all 21 of us, and took us on a very slow but exciting ride in complete darkness without the headlights,negotiating the narrow roads and the hair-pin curves to a certain point on the mountain from where we had to start our trek. When we got to the designated spot, we started marching. I hadn’t gone more than 20 steps, I was close to being breathless, plus, my legs started aching. But I went on… I pushed. I couldn’t keep up with my pals and my brother. But I refused to stop. My brother could see that I was not doing so well. Finally my body gave up, I stopped. And my sweet lil brother stopped to be there by my side. I sat for 3-4 min and the moment I felt a lil better, my muscles would get back to charging towards the summit. Every part of my body wanted to get there and I was determined that I would make it no matter what. But it looked like my lungs were the only rebellion. Two muslin bags would have worked better than them! The trail was narrow, just wide enough to keep your feet side-by-side and at times the path would run along the edge of the mountain- meaning you step centimeters off from the unevenly-floored trail, you would save on some funeral money! Our walk to the top was interrupted an umpteen number of times thanks to my under performing lungs. I would take a puff of my inhaler when needed and move on. I was such a slow coach. I felt shitty that I slowed down my lil brother though he so happily stood by me all thru the trying trek. Though he suffered from wheezing too, his lungs were real happy being in Coorg, they ran in top gear. He didn’t suffer a single attack. My poor mom’s admonishments went wasted; I was so slow that at many points on our trek we were the only people on a trail. Finally we were one of the last people to get there – the summit. We met our friends, we sat there dangling our legs from the cliff ledge. No description can beat what you experience on the top… and may be my description will fall short of what my eyes met. Its an amazing site watching the ghostly mountains in the moon light. You feel a oneness with all that’s black and dark, the graceful stillness and the whispering wind. And yes, you can see lots in the darkness…lots. I only hoped I could have enjoyed it better, without the strain I experienced with my wheezing bouts. It took us about 3 hrs to get there and were there for hardly 10 min! I hadn’t had enough of it. I hated having to leave, but we did. My lungs gave-in to my intention and cooperated on my way downhill. This time I made it a lil faster than my travel up and my brother got to do what he enjoyed… moving at his own pace… which is fast. And I hated that cos I was worried what if he slipped – he’d need someone near him to catch him… yeah yeah… I am the old fashioned sister you wouldn’t want to have. We and our friends were the first people to reach the holy pick-up truck. We were dying to dive into food .The rest of the team arrives almost 45 min later. We had a sumptuous dinner and went to bed. It was so bloody cold; I didn’t think I would wake to see my toes still attached to my feet!
That night I was a lil depressed. The trek in some way was like a search for some truth… about your self. A trek can give more ans than you would if you’d go to a place of worship- if the question was about your self and not about the stock market or your mother-in-law. I learnt a lot about my self that night.
Come next day- 12th Feb 2006, we were so dog-tired that we woke up at around 12 pm! We washed down some brunch and decided to go rock climbing to Dandi Falls. We set out at about 1, accompanied by a sweet young chap, Sajjan- a professional rock climber. We had to do some walking before getting to the small yet elegant falls. yes I was slow as ever. And yes my lungs didn’t quite like the idea and expressed it freely. But unlike the last time I didn’t fight, I negotiated. I moved at my own sweet pace… this time I looked around me, admired the sunlight stream down thru the tall trees, the creeping pepper plant, the shorty coffee plants, the pungent cardamom, listening to the gurgling streams as if to say, “Ok. Go ahead do your thing. And I will do mine. I will enjoy.” When we came up to the fall, it was the simple water fall you'd like to have your cottage by. We climbed till what we can call the second level and the only one with the zest to go further was raksha. The rest of us sat leisurely on massive boulders drinking off from the clear tumbling water- the sweetest ever. We were concerned with being able to leave for home by 3/4 pm. I knew if I climbed any further at my pace then we all would have to leave for home the next day! The proficient climber raksha was, she came back soon and then we started our descend. I enjoyed the rock climing more than the trek. Its like poetry or any artistic expression-free to interpretation. You could be short or tall, it wouldn’t matter, the destination is the same but how you get there is up to you, you make your own path. You have to find patterns and follow them. This time on our way back to the ambassador we came in, we – the women ,of course, plucked off what fancied us – pepper, but for two varied reasons. I wanted my mom to make a chutney I love so verrrry much and raksha, to give birth to an artistic creation. I wonder what stage would it be in right now? My mom decided to make a pickle of my pepper. I love that too, so me verrry happy. One of the things I enjoyed watching while walking back was how malu was helping raksha with plucking and carrying the pepper. While he was at it he kept cribbing with a smile and talking big about his generous services- all cos he was carrying pepper for his lady love. Entertainin to watch the lady's retorts too. Nice to see people in love. We got back to the car, drove to Sagar’s place, ate our delicious lunch, packed in a jiffy , thanked and bid our farewells to the Ganapathis and set home ward bound. The travel back home was fun. We entertained our selves with music from our mobiles. When we passed thru the rajiv Gandhi national park we all peered our eyes out into the dark hoping to see some animal.We had no high hopes but raksha- optimistic as ever- hoped to see any one from the big cat family or else at least a massive pachyderm. All we saw was the ghostly figure of a Samba deer, majestically standing by the road. We stopped at a restaurant which supposedly served ‘food’, we left paying an amount as big as our dissatisfaction. When we reached bangalore it was just past midnight, I think. They first dropped us home. It felt good to be back home- not just cos we were back home, but cos we were back home after doing something we so wanted to do. We owe a big one to the threesome and of course our parents who fought with their fears and let us go on this trek. I hope this has prepared them to handle it better the next time ! heehehee yep there is gonna be a next time and Insha-allah very soon. I have left a part of me in coorg and have to go get it back. But I have a feelin that I will end up finding more happiness,wisdom and strength and leave some more of my self there.
Things I feel good about, lessons learnt ,wants:
1) I did that trek despite all discomfort- so I have it in me to go on. Not bad!
2) One photograph I took while liberally clicking away in Vivek’s camera- a tiny stream lined with greens rolling thru lil rocks, while the sun shone thru the leaves- proud of it.
3) The rubber-soled lee cooper formal wear was good only if I was gonna attend a conference on top of a cliff. So get some decent sneakers the next time.
4) Get that lazy ass to exercise!
5) i'd like to do the trek again but in day time. want to see the hills ans green in the day.
6) next time take more pepper home
So that was the story of our first trek- the longest ever post I have written. I will try to limit the length the next time.
Whoa!!! Thats a long post! I have bookmarked it. Would read it later... Fursat se :-)
nita thanks yaar...but this one's a bit too long to read..it obviously gives the impression how much you love to write..i'll definitely go through this one in it's entirety..and u seem to have enjoyed the trek..great !!
Ricky-> hey thanks dude. you have some patience reading thru it. well will try to upload some pics
Shashank,Ashish-> yep i did enjoy it thoroughly. i should have printed it into a book! :))
Hello and greeting from California. It's been much too long since I checked in with you but fortunately you took some time between posts.
The one disadvantage with an alphabetical blog roll belongs to the people in the middle of the alphabet. Whether I start at the top or the bottom, somehow the middle gets skipped. I'll start at the middle next time.
I'm glad you're doing well and this post was a little happier than the last.
Ann (aka granny)
TREKKING! Even I want to :(
No, don't limit yourself next time. Its fun to read what comes straight from the heart!
Gran-> hiiii, granny! long time no see! how are you? i am fine. been real busy. just read your blog. so you want to experiment with turmeric. we indians put a dash of termeric in almost anything. It seems it has power to fight against cancer. Will mail you some time soon.
Rohit-> then you should pal. ask me for details and i will bless thee with it. i would recommend everyone on the globe to get into some activity like this. Thanks man! glad you enjoyed my longest post. :)
Hi. If I have your email address, I can't find it so I came back here rather than making you check back on the comments.
We use pressure cookers. I don't have one but I can probably figure something out. My mother-in-law used to swear by hers.
I'd love recipes. We have a couple of Indian buffets here but they're a little monotonous. Chicken, chicken, or chicken. San Francisco restaurants did it better while still staying within Hindu restrictions. No chutney here. I could buy it, I suppose.
Yep, kids and the internet. The "chat rooms" here are more of a danger than the porn sites. That's where the molesters lurk. They seem harmless and kids aren't known for their good judgment.
Thanks for anwering so quickly. Take care of yourself.
Yes, the girls spend a lot of time outdoors, especially the younger two. With Elcie on crutches, we try to get her out too but she isn't as mobile as the little girls.
That was one long long post I eva came across on blog...
Yeah I think this is the longest one ;)
Good to know about your trecking adventure...
and yess....welcome back !!
:D That was long and interesting!
Thanks for droppin at my blog.
Actually u r the 3rd neets I know ...
Was a bit confused first ...
Y am I still feeling dat I hv been here :-?
a short post hehe.....:)
trekking is gr8 fun buddy...
i love it a lot
anyways thanks for droping in
keep visiting
I go to mumbai once in 6months and every time i go i just rock the whole time.. hey u can check out my mumbai flood experience.. in my previous posts
You've been tagged, buddy. See my blog for details.
Yahoooooo!!! Finally I did managed to read the whole post that too at one go!
Now I'm waiting for summers... Trekking Rocks!!!
trekking is fun..awesome exp...
arz000n-> thanks man. nice story you have there.
ArthiHonrao-> well... may be we have met before dear... the world is round and small.
Ajay-> yep it sure is fun. read about the mumbai rains experiance. some experiance man!!
EoR-> thanks dear. being tagged was the only thing missing in my life.
Shashank-> way to go,dude! You have maganed to finish the reading-marathon!
ancientmariner-> *smile and noddin *
Hey thats the longest post i've read too! took a while to read it ;) hehe i just love trekking myself its just too much fun :)
xfreakx-> you bet! treks rock!
tat was seriously a long post!!! I havnt completed it yet..... hope to finish by early nxt yr LOL!!! I too wanna go trekking.... maybe in the summer!!!
PS: Blog-hopped frm somewhere.....
There are many things beautiful in life. Your trek allowed me to visit my own reflections of my lungs bursting amid- as you’ve shared “ghostly mountains”. There was also a trek in the mountains illuminated by Hale Bopp and another time where the icicles fell from the trees shining as prisms as the sunlight shone through them. Then on a rock climb there was the bivouac overnight on the side of the Taqhitz where we were awakened by carabineers clipping onto protection on the first pitch (the length of the rope. I cannot forget the morning fog on the Colorado River as we paddled through Topac Gorge where saw only the heads of fellow kayakers. It doesn’t matter how arduous it is or what personal discomforts or how lazy our ass is. It is the experiences that are eternal to life yet so personal, spiritual and as you shared a place of worship!
ya... though I dont have any apparent lung problems, I couldnt climb more than 200 meters on our way to chembra.. but you know ultimately its a matter of will (my friend, suddu's) who kept on egging (or should I say nagging) to go.
But once you get to the top and view the world below all your troubles vanish. Kondor told me about this night trek and many scary stories..
Great that you did it, cos nothing can soothe your mind more than the feeling of finishing a trek...
good, hope the next one is less harder on you..
Hye neets,
Thanks for the comments..there's no profile of yours so that even i can get an idea how am i like you :-)anyways great write bout your trip..
Tk Cr
Wow! That sure sounded like one good trek!! : ) best of luck for better stamina in your next one ;)
Neets, I still got to complete this post, but thot I will post some links on the snaps I clicked during the trek so others can enjoy!;)
@ ImageStation: Kakkabe, Coorg
@ My Photo Blog: Reflections
Finally finished reading the post:) Good to know that the trek also helped u discovering something about yourself.
Will keep u guys in the loop for our next one.
Hey Neets!! Glad to know you finally went on a trek!! Do post some pictures!! Am very happy for you! Hope you get to go on the second trek soon.
Hi People,
Any one going to Jugle mount adventures will have an experience of their lifetime. the host needless to say are very very generous and they are very co-operative and accomodating. If you want to really experience adventure then it is Sagar that you need to be with. He is an adventure freak, he is good at what he does best getting people to experience adventure.
hey .. As Ricky has written ..Please do post some photographs ...I've been to that place and have an awesome memory for our life time..again it wud have gud if u have posted some photos.. Jo
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